We all want to be healthier, but let's face it: Making good health choices is difficult for many. But the performance boosts we get when we're feeling good should be a strong incentive to start making those lifestyle changes. For example, Gallup reports that lower well-being is linked to an estimated 19.1 million new chronic conditions across the U.S. full-time working population.
One employer who cares about both their employees' and customers' health might surprise you: It's life insurance giant John Hancock. "Our whole mission and purpose has become helping people live longer, healthier, better lives," says Brooks Tingle, CEO of John Hancock.
John Hancock's tactics to help people live longer and better are backed by behavioral science, and you can use them, too, to boost longevity. Longevity is something John Hancock knows well. "We had a claim not too long ago where the client had been a client for 99 years. His parents bought him a policy on his first birthday, and he died shortly after his 100th birthday. Who else has relationships with customers that last 100 years?" says Brooks.